This option is on, so form feeds will be ignored when printing. To recognize form feeds, click this checkbox. This option is off, so form feeds will be recognized when printing. To ignore form feeds, click this checkbox. This option is on, so beeps will be ignored. To stop ignoring beeps, click this checkbox. This option is off, so beeps will not be ignored. To ignore beeps, click this checkbox. This option is on, so Berkeley 4.3 CR mode will be used on ports other than 23. To turn it off, click this checkbox. This option is off, so Berkeley 4.3 CR mode will be disabled on ports other than 23. To turn it on, click this checkbox. Click this button to add this Favorite to a double-clickable Set file. Click this button to save this Favorite in a double-clickable Set file. Enter the network block size in this box. Most users will not need to change this. Use this pop-up menu to select a translation table. ISO 8859-1 is a good choice. Use this pop-up menu to select a set of Terminal settings. Enter a control character (for example, ^Q) to use for resuming output. Enter a control character (for example, ^S) to use for suspending output. Enter a control character (for example, ^C) to use for sending Interrupt Process signals. Enter the paste size for block-mode pastes in this box. Enter the port number in this box. Enter the name of the host to connect to in this box. Enter the name of this Favorite in this box. Kerberos encryption is currently on. To turn it off, click here. Kerberos encryption is currently off. To turn it on, click here. Kerberos authentication is currently on. To turn it off, click here. Kerberos authentication is currently off. To turn it on, click here. This option is on, so the user's input will always be sent to the server character by character, even if local echo is on, unless linemode is on. To send the input line by line whenever local echo is on, click this checkbox. This option is off, so when local echo is active, the user's input will be sent to the server line by line. To send it character by character instead even with local echo on, click this checkbox. This option is on, so a Tektronix “new page” code will clear the current Tektronix window if possible. To have it open a new window instead, click this checkbox. This option is off, so a Tektronix “new page” code will open a new window. To have it clear the current Tektronix window instead, click this checkbox. This option is on, so linemode will be allowed. To turn it off, click this checkbox. This option is off, so linemode will not be allowed. To turn it on, click this checkbox. This option is on, so carriage returns will be sent as CR NULL. To send carriage returns as CR LF instead, turn this option off by clicking this checkbox. This option is off, so carriage returns will be sent as CR LF. To send carriage returns as CR NULL instead, turn this option on by clicking this checkbox. This option is on. You may want to turn it off if too many lines are being saved into your scrollback. This option is off. You may want to turn it on if some lines are not being saved into your scrollback. This option is selected; the Delete key currently sends Backspace. The Delete key currently sends Delete. To have it send Backspace instead, click here. This option is selected; the Delete key currently sends Delete. The Delete key currently sends Backspace. To have it send Delete instead, click here. The Paste Mode is set to Block; pastes are performed in blocks. To set the Paste Mode to Block, so that pastes are performed in blocks, click here. The Paste Mode is set to Quick; pastes are performed all at once. To set the Paste Mode to Quick, so that pastes are performed all at once, click here. Tektronix 4105 emulation is currently turned on. To turn on Tektronix 4105 emulation, click here. Tektronix 4014 emulation is currently turned on. To turn on Tektronix 4014 emulation, click here. Tektronix emulation is currently turned off. To turn off Tektronix emulation, click here. This option is on, so boldfaced text will be automatically inversed as well. To turn this option off, click this checkbox. This option is off, so boldfaced text will not be automatically inversed. To turn this option on, click this checkbox. Use this pop-up menu to select the font used for boldfaced text. This option is on, so the bold ANSI color set will be used for boldfaced text. To turn this option off, click this checkbox. This option is off, so the bold ANSI color set will not be used for boldfaced text. To turn this option on, click this checkbox. This option is on, so the bold font selected below will be used for boldfaced text. To turn this option off, click this checkbox. This option is off, so the bold font selected below will not be used for boldfaced text. To turn this option on, click this checkbox. This option is on, so the Del (forward delete) key is mapped to Control-D. To turn this option off, click this checkbox. This option is off, so the Del (forward delete) key is not mapped to Control-D. To turn this option on, click this checkbox. This option is selected, so the emacs meta key is turned off. To turn off the emacs meta key, click here. This option is selected, so the emacs meta key is set to Option. Note that this requires the EMACS KCHR to be installed in your System file. To set the emacs meta key to Option, click here. Note that this requires the EMACS KCHR to be installed in your System file. This option is selected, so the emacs meta key is set to Control-Command. To set the emacs meta key to Control-Command, click here. This option is selected; emulation is currently set to VT220. Emulation is currently set to VT100/VT102. To set it to VT220 instead, click here. This option is selected; emulation is currently set to VT100/VT102. Emulation is currently set to VT220. To set it to VT100/VT102 instead, click here. This option is turned on, so keypad keys will send the number and symbols printed on them. To send the correct VT100/VT220 codes instead, turn this option off by clicking this checkbox. This option is turned off, so keypad keys will send the correct VT100/VT220 codes. To have the keypad keys send the numbers and symbols printed on them instead, turn this option on by clicking this checkbox. This option is turned on. You may want to turn it off by clicking this checkbox if too many lines are being saved in your scrollback. This option is turned off. You may want to turn it on by clicking this checkbox if some lines aren't being saved correctly in your scrollback. This option is turned on, so the high bit will be left alone on incoming characters. This will permit character set translation to work correctly. To clip off the high bit instead, click this checkbox. This option is turned off, so the high bit will be clipped off incoming characters. This will break proper character set translation. To keep all 8 bits instead, click this checkbox. This option is turned on, so the PgUp, PgDown, Home, and End keys will scroll the scrollback. To have these keys send the correct VT220 codes instead, click this checkbox. This option is turned off, so the PgUp, PgDown, Home, and End keys will send the correct VT220 codes. To have these keys scroll the scrollback instead, click this checkbox. This option is turned on, so emacs-style codes will be sent for the arrow keys. To send the correct VT100/VT220 codes instead, click this checkbox. This option is turned off, so the correct VT100/VT220 codes for the arrow keys will be sent. To send emacs-style codes instead, click this checkbox. This option is turned on, so long lines will be wrapped to the next line by default. To turn this option off and truncate large lines, click this checkbox. This option is turned off, so long lines will be truncated by default. To turn this option on and wrap long lines to the next line, click this checkbox. This option is turned on, so the xterm sequences to change the window title will be recognized. To turn this option off, click this checkbox. This option is turned off, so the xterm sequences to change the window title will not be recognized. To turn this option on, click this checkbox. This option is turned on, so ANSI color sequences will be recognized. To turn this option off, click this checkbox. This option is turned off, so ANSI color sequences will not be recognized. To turn this option on, click this checkbox. Enter the number of lines to use for a scrollback buffer in this box. Enter the font size in this box. Select the font to use for normal text from this pop-up menu. Enter the name of this Terminal entry in this box. Enter the height of the terminal window in rows in this box. Enter the width of the terminal window in columns in this box. The string in this text box will be sent to the remote host in response to a Telnet terminal type query. Click here to change the background color for blinking text. Click here to change the foreground color for blinking text. Click here to change the background color for normal text. Click here to change the foreground color for normal text. This option is currently on, so trailing spaces will always be clipped from each line when copying, saving, or printing. To clip trailing spaces only on multiple-line selections, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so trailing spaces will be clipped from each line when copying, saving, or printing only for multiple-line selections. To clip trailing spaces even on single-line selections, click this checkbox. This option is currently on, so only monospaced fonts will be shown in Font menus. To turn this option off and show all fonts, click this checkbox. Turning this option off will decrease BetterTelnet's startup time. This option is currently off, so all fonts will be shown in Font menus. To turn this option on and show only monospaced fonts, click this checkbox. Note that this will increase BetterTelnet's startup time. This option is currently on, so typing in the name of a Favorite in the Host Name box in the Open Connection dialog will open that Favorite, provided that the name contains no spaces or colons. To turn this option off, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so you cannot type in the name of a Favorite in the Host Name box in the Open Connection dialog to open it. To turn this option on, click this checkbox. This option is currently on, so the favorite will be opened automatically on startup. To turn this option off, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so the favorite will not be opened automatically on startup. To turn this option on, click this checkbox. This option is currently on, so you will not be warned on quit to close any open connections. To turn this option off, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so you will be warned on quit if any connections are open. To turn this option on, click this checkbox. This option is currently on, so the “Open Connection” dialog will appear automatically on startup. To turn this option off, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so the “Open Connection” dialog will not appear automatically on startup. To turn this option on, click this checkbox. Enter the creator code of the application with which you want captured and saved text files to be associated in this box. Click this button to select the colors to use in response to ANSI color control sequences. Enter the amount of pixels by which you want windows to be staggered in this box. Enter the Timeslice here, in ticks (sixtieths of a second). This is the amount of time Telnet yields to other applications. Increasing it will decrease Telnet's responsiveness but will increase the responsiveness of other open applications. Enter the Open Timeout here in seconds. If you are having problems opening connections to a busy host, increase this value. Click this button to select an application with which you want captured and saved text files to be associated. Enter the Send Timeout here in seconds. If connections are unexpectedly closing on you, increase this value. Enter the Copy Table Threshhold in this box. When you select “Copy Table” from the Edit menu, this is the minimum number of consecutive spaces that will be converted to a tab. This option is currently on, so Kerberos tickets will be expired when all connections have been closed. Note that this works only with KClient, not AuthMan. To turn this option off, click here. This option is currently off, so Kerberos tickets will not be expired when all connections have been closed. Note that this works only with KClient, not AuthMan. To turn this option on, click here. This option is currently on, so BetterTelnet will attempt to flash its icon in the menu bar if a beep is received while it is in the background. To turn this option off, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so BetterTelnet will not flash its icon in the menu bar if a beep is received while it is in the background. To turn this option on, click this checkbox. Changes the appearance of the cursor. This option is selected. Changes the appearance of the cursor. This option is currently on, so the cursor will blink. To turn this option off and stop the cursor from blinking, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so the cursor will not blink. To turn this option on and make the cursor blink, click this checkbox. This option is currently on, so the Keypad and Function menus will be shown in the menu bar. To turn this option off and hide those menus, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so the Keypad and Function menus will not be shown. To turn this option on and show those menus, click this checkbox. This option is currently on, so the backquote key ` will be remapped to ESCape. To turn it off, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so the backquote ` will not be remapped to ESCape. To turn it on, click this checkbox. This option is currently on, so many menu items will have command-key equivalents. To turn it off and remove these command-key equivalents, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so many menu items will not have command-key equivalents. To turn it on and give these menu items command-key equivalents, click this checkbox. This option is currently on, so windows will automatically be staggered. To turn it off, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so window positions will not automatically be staggered. To turn it on, click this checkbox. This option is currently on, so windows will stay open even after their corresponding connections close. To turn it off, so that windows will close, click this checkbox. This option is currently off, so windows will close when their corresponding connections close. To turn it on, so that windows will stay open, click this checkbox. To close this dialog box and save all changes, click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Bold White (i.e. White), click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Bold Cyan (i.e. Light Cyan), click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Bold Magenta (i.e. Pink), click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Bold Blue (i.e. Light Blue), click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Bold Yellow (i.e. Yellow), click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Bold Green (i.e. Light Green), click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Bold Red (i.e. Orange), click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Bold Black (i.e. Dark Grey), click here. To change the appearance of ANSI White (i.e. Light Grey), click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Cyan, click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Magenta, click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Blue, click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Yellow (i.e. Brown), click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Green, click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Red, click here. To change the appearance of ANSI Black, click here. To close the dialog box and use the new ANSI colors you have entered, click here. To export this set of macros to the “BetterTelnet Macros” file in the Preferences folder, so that it will be loaded by default when BetterTelnet is started, click here. To export this set of macros to a BetterTelnet macro file, click here. To import a set of macros from a BetterTelnet macro file, click here. To close this dialog box and discard all changes, click here. To close this dialog box and use the new macros you have entered, click here. Kerberos encryption is currently on. To turn off Kerberos encryption, click here. Kerberos encryption is not available, because Kerberos authentication is turned off. Kerberos encryption is currently off. To turn on Kerberos encryption, click here. Kerberos authentication is currently on. To turn off Kerberos authentication, click here. Kerberos authentication is not available, because you have not installed a Kerberos plug-in. Kerberos authentication is currently off. To turn on Kerberos authentication, click here. You can select a Favorite to use for configuration information from this pop-up menu. You can optionally enter a window name for the new window in this box. If you do not enter a window name here, BetterTelnet will automatically generate one. Enter the host name of the host to which you wish to connect here. Optionally, you can also add a colon (:) or space and a port number. For example: “” To close this dialog box without connecting, click this button. To connect using the settings entered above, click this button. Not available because you have not entered a host name. To connect using the settings entered above, click this button.